Monday, December 17, 2012

Dance Company

It's official, there will be a Wasatch Junior High Dance Company next year!  As excited as I am to be the advisor and help these girls with their technique and performance, I am very sad.  I am sad for these sweet girls who I had to give rejection letters to.  I did not expect this to be so hard.  We had auditions on Friday, and the entire weekend I kept seeing the faces of the cute girls that didn't make the cut. I know some of them, I know how hard they work, and I know how nice they are.  I have been on both sides of the cut before, so I know how they are feeling right now.  It breaks my heart.  The last thing I want to do is to have these dancers doubt themselves.  This is such a bittersweet experience.  I had to fight back tears when I was handing out the letters.  Maybe I shouldn't care so much, but I don't know how.  I try to keep thinking of next year and the super talented group of 30 I have in the Dance Company.   But as of right now, I can't help but mourn a little. 


  1. I'm excited for you to have you own little dance company. And I think if you look at getting cut as a growing experience (as it was for all of us who've ever been cut) then maybe you'll feel a little less bad.

  2. I know, you're right. It'll be a good/hard experience for them. They were just so cute and little. It was harder than I anticipated.
